Thursday, September 15, 2011

Charity Highlight

Giving back is a big part of our personal and business philosophy at Clipfell Photography. From the local level to a global stage, there are always plenty of ways to help make this world a better place.

This week, we would like to highlight the work that is being done by The International Rescue Committee With the Somali famine creating an extreme crisis in East Africa, organizations like this one are making a huge difference in the lives of thousands. Often, it’s the difference between life and death. It is reported that this year’s drought is the worst in 60 years, effecting 12.5 million people and bringing the region’s malnutrition rate to the highest figure in eight years. The International Rescue Committee teams are providing refugees in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia with badly needed food, water and health care.

I encourage you to join me in contributing to this amazing organization in this time of crisis for the people of Eastern Africa. Every little bit makes a difference.

Alex Perry’s article in TIME Magazine offers heartbreaking insight into this reality as well as compelling theories into the cause of this humanitarian disaster. I highly recommend it:,00.html

Charity Navigator, an independent charity evaluator, ranks not-for-profit organizations on the effectiveness of their programs, their control of administrative and fund-raising expenses and the transparency of their operations. The International Rescue Committee received four stars—the highest rating possible from Charity Navigator.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


September is National Children’s Good Manners Month!

Sit down with your little ones and enjoy these excellent etiquette reads.

The Scallywags
by David Melling

Emily’s Everyday Manners
by Cindy Post Senning and Peggy Post

The Golden Rule
by Ilene Cooper

Thingumajig Book of Manners
by Irene Keller

Please is a Good Word to Say
by Barbara Joosse

Happy Reading!